What Are the Common Types of Open-Heart Surgery?
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is the most common open-heart surgery procedure. It is used to treat people who have severe blockages of the coronary arteries. These blockages are caused by plaque which builds up inside the coronary arteries and
blocks the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
During CABG, the surgeon takes healthy arteries or veins from other parts of the body and sews them to a normal part of the coronary artery past the blockage thereby “bypassing” the blockage. The grafted arteries or veins reroute the blood
around the blocked portion of the artery to supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. A patient may undergo multiple bypass grafts depending on the number of clogged arteries.
This procedure improves the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart, relieves chest pain, reduces the risk of a future heart attack, and improves the patient’s ability for physical activity that has been limited by the ability of the heart to maximize
its pumping because of a lack of blood flow.
Heart valve repair or replacement
Healthy heart valves allow blood to precisely flow between different chambers and then out of the heart into large arteries. Each valve has a leaflet, which appropriately opens wide to allow the blood to pass unrestricted and then close tightly to stop
the blood from going backwards. Surgery is performed when these leaflets do not open as wide as they should or if they do not close tightly. To fix these problems, surgeons perform either valve repair of the existing leaflets or valve replacement
using an artificial valve. Artificial valves can be mechanical or biological. Mechanical means they are made from carbon and graphite. A biological valve can be pig or human valves, or made from the sac surrounding a cow’s heart. In properly
selected patients, this operation can dramatically improve both the quality and the longevity of the patient.
Corrective surgery for a heart defect present at birth
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is caused by defects in the heart and great vessel structures. They are the most common types of birth defects. Babies born with one or more heart defects have CHD. CHDs can affect the structure of a baby’s heart,
the way it works, and how blood flows through the heart and out to the rest of the body. Corrective surgery can treat a heart defect that a child is born with. The number of surgeries to repair the heart or blood vessels depends on the type and severity
of the defect. The most common surgery is to close holes between the heart chambers.