The Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Division at Children’s Hospital of Michigan at the Detroit Medical Center has a long history of excellence in care for asthmatic, allergic and immune deficient children. Additionally the division offers allergy/immunology consultations at DMC Detroit Receiving Hospital, DMC Harper University Hospital and DMC Hutzel Women’s Hospital.

The division offers evaluation and treatment for asthma and a wide range of allergies, including food allergy, environmental allergy, drug allergy, insect sting allergy, angioedema, anaphylaxis, hives, eczema and other allergic skin conditions. Advance treatment plans are available for your specific conditions including allergen immunotherapy and monoclonal antibody treatment. A multidisciplinary clinic with Pediatric Gastroenterology is also offered for evaluation and treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis.

The high risk asthma clinic is supported by a grant from Children’s Hospital Foundation offering medical and psychosocial support to children with severe and/or high risk asthma. Research studies with emphasis on assistance with adherence to medication and identification of stressors that influence asthma are available to those clients, and any other interested families with asthmatics.

The asthma and allergy physicians on the medical staff and asthma nurse educators see every asthmatic patient admitted to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. This assures that all asthmatic children and families are offered the highest standard of care for their asthma, with particular emphasis to follow-up daily care, education, and action planning.

The asthma and allergy clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and the Detroit Medical Center is offered at several convenient locations in metropolitan Detroit. Outpatient care is available morning and afternoon everyday Monday through Friday and some Saturdays. The clinic treats both children and adults for allergic disorders and asthma.

The Immunology Division offers a Primary Immune Deficiency Clinic available for both children and adults. Primary and secondary immune deficiency disorders treated include; agammaglobulinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, specific antibody deficiency, common variable immune deficiency, hyper IgM syndrome, chronic granulomatous disease, severe combined immune deficiency and DiGeorge syndrome. The division is the coordinating center for the severe combined immune deficiency screening program for the state of Michigan.