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Detroit Medical Center’s (DMC) record of service has provided medical excellence throughout the history of the Metropolitan Detroit area. From the founding of Children’s Hospital in 1886, to the creation of the first mechanical heart at Harper Hospital 50 years ago, to our compassion for the underserved, our legacy of caring is unmatched.

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News & Announcements

DMC adaptive yoga aids those ill or with injuries

Mar 26, 2020
Physical therapy is hard enough for someone who recently suffered an injury. But for someone living with a disability, it can be even more challenging. However, more and more people are learning to overcome through adaptive sports, including yoga.

If the very word “yoga” makes you think of people sitting in pretzel shapes, you probably assume it’s not an exercise for you.

But the truth is, yoga is practiced and enjoyed by some 36 million Americans, including many who have physical limitations or disabilities. That’s because this ancient mind/body exercise is adaptable to all who wish to attempt it. It can even be done seated in a chair.

Adaptive yoga and Tai Chi classes are being taught at the DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan by health care professional s that are trained in adapting yoga and Tai Chi to meet the needs of their students. 
For Jorge, who was in a motorcycle accident in September and sustained a spinal cord injury along with a pelvic fracture and fractured jaw, he finds the adaptive yoga class as a “breath of fresh air.” He started going to the adaptive yoga class during his inpatient therapy and still continues to come to the class due to the benefits he receives from practicing yoga. 

Classes are held on Monday’s from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan at 261 Mack Ave.

Click the video about how DMC adaptive yoga aids those ill or with injuries