Medical Laboratory Scientist Program

The Medical Laboratory Scientist Program at the Detroit Medical Center University Laboratories (DMCUL) is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).

The School of Medical Laboratory Scientist is located on the third floor of the University Health Center Building of Detroit Receiving Hospital/University Health Center. 

The program accepts 10 students each year for 36 weeks of practical training. Both degree and non-degree students are acceptable, providing admission criteria are met.

Program Mission

The mission of the DMCUL School of Medical Laboratory Scientist is committed to serving the health care needs of the community, state, and nation by providing quality of education for the Medical Laboratory Scientist profession.

The objective of the program is to provide adequate and meaningful experiences for the student in order to prepare him/her to perform with competence, enable him/her to understand the meaning of test results and their significance to the physician and patient as well as provide every graduate the opportunity to meet or exceed the requirements necessary for the national certification exam.

Graduates of the program have a good success rate in passing the MLS(ASCP) exam. Many of our graduates remain as DMCUL employees and the remainder of the graduates are hired in other hospital-based and private laboratories either locally, statewide or out of state. The career opportunities are numerous for Medical Laboratory Scientists.

The program is dedicated to Fair Practices in Education as set forth by the Committee of Allied Health and Education, January 1978 (revised 1979). Veterans are also encouraged to apply. The Medical Laboratory Scientist program does not discriminate against applicants based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or status as an individual disability. 

Program Goals

  • To graduate qualified medical laboratory scientists who can pass the national certification examination to enter professional practice
  • To help students develop the professional attitudes and ethics necessary for careers in medical laboratory science
  • To prepare students to be life-long learners who will remain current with advances in medical laboratory science
  • Contribute to the improvement of laboratory services and processes to meet the challenges of the changing health care environment
  • Providing leadership in educating other health personnel and the community

Program Director, MLS
Bernarda Wroblewski, MS, MT (ASCP)

Medical Director
Timothy R. Kennedy, MD

Academic Course Plan | Detroit Medical Center

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Medical Laboratory Scientist Program Information