Admit/Transfer a Patient
DMC One Call service brings 24/7 seamless access to patient transfers
Detroit Medical Center is excited to announce a new service that will mean more seamless adult patient transfers into DMC hospitals and institutes. When a physician needs to transfer a patient to DMC, it will only take one call and a dedicated service team will handle the rest.
DMC One Call provides services 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year and will connect referring and accepting physicians by three-way call; coordinate patient bed assignments with site offices; coordinate nursing reports; coordinate appropriate patient transport, and provide a follow-up call and letter to the referring physician regarding the patient's care and disposition, among other services.
All the services of DMC One Call can be accessed just by calling 844-DMC-ADMIT. This 24/7 service can enhance quality of care for patients and provides support for both the transferring and receiving physicians and hospital staff. As a centralized operation, the One Call team is better equipped to know where and when hospital beds are available at each site, and to offer a more expedient and efficient way to get the patient transferred.
This new service is for adult patients only - pediatric transfers should continue to go through the DMC Children's Hospital of Michigan Physician Link line (877-99-4THEM.)
DMC is dedicated to streamlining the admission process, to reduce the wait, and get patients connected to world class care as quickly as possible. Higher patient satisfaction scores prove that using a Direct Admission service works. Since there is almost no wait time physicians’ orders are carried out more immediately. To make a Direct Admission to a DMC hospital, call:
All DMC Adult Hospitals & Institutes — (844) DMC-ADMIT (362-2364)
DMC Children’s Hospital of Michigan — (877) 99-4THEM (8436).
Download the DMC DIRECT ADMIT app to your smartphone:
Detroit Medical Center makes it easy to refer/admitting patients, with the DMC Direct Admit smartphone app. DMC One Call offers:
- 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year service to connect referring and accepting physicians by three-way call
- Coordinated patient bed assignments with site offices
- Coordinated nursing reports;
- Coordinated appropriate patient transport, by land or air
- Follow-up calls and letters to the referring physician regarding the patient's care and disposition