Sleep Lab
Your physician has prescribed a diagnostic procedure to analyze your sleep patterns and while you will be under the care of your physician, you have been scheduled to come to the local sleep laboratory for an overnight sleep study.
Highly trained and experienced sleep technologists, who have received specialized training in the field of sleep disorders, staff the sleep laboratory. Our technologists will strive to make you comfortable and keep you informed during the waking portion of your stay.
Throughout your sleep study process, no needles, drugs, x-rays or invasive procedures will be used — making this a very safe and painless process.
Preparing For Your Sleep Study
The following preparations should be made just before your overnight stay:
- Shower and shampoo your hair
- Avoid using anything on your hair after it has been cleaned and dried (i.e., gel, cream, hair spray)
- Do not wear makeup or jewelry
- Do not use creams or lotions on your face or body
- Do not wear acrylic nails or hair braids/weaves that can affect sensor placement
- Pack your sleepwear (which is required) and toiletries
- Bring your reading glasses, if applicable, for use in completing paperwork
- If you prefer, bring your favorite pillow and blanket — and any reading material or other items that can help you pass the
During Your Sleep Study
When your study begins, the technologist will ask you to be seated and the process of placing special sensors on various points of your body will begin.
Depending on the type of sleep study prescribed, the sensors may be placed in the following locations:
- On your scalp
- On your forehead
- On your temples
- Near your eyes
- Under your nose
The technologist will explain the purpose of each sensor as it’s being placed. Shaving is unnecessary for sensors placed on the scalp- a simple hair part will be used. Some shaving may be necessary on the chest and on the leg if heavy body hair might impact the quality of the sleep study.
After the placement of the sleep monitoring gear, you are free to relax until bedtime. Please inform the technologist of your normal sleep and waking times. When possible, we will try to accommodate your sleep schedule.
At Bedtime
Just before bedtime, the technologist will attach the long wires from your sensors to the computer monitoring system that is located at your bedside.
While it might seem a bit awkward to sleep with the many wires running from your sensors to your bedside monitoring equipment, it should not create any discomfort or impair your normal ability to sleep or to get up during the night, should you need to use the restroom.
The technologist will be nearby and will be continually monitoring your sleep study on our sleep diagnostic system.
When Getting Up
Following your sleep study, the monitoring gear is removed. You may use the restroom, freshen up and get dressed for discharge. The results of your sleep study will be forwarded to your sleep physician for interpretation and the recommendation of a treatment that’s right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sleep study?
Performed in a private sleep room, a sleep study involves the analysis of your body’s sleep patterns. This involves the placement of special sensors to record the activity of your heart, lungs, brain and muscles. It also monitors the air flow from your nose and mouth, as well as the level of oxygen in your blood.
With an overnight sleep study, will I need to take the next day off?
Not usually. Before bedtime, give the technologist your time schedule so that ample time can be allowed for getting up, removing the sensors and freshening up before you leave.
Will I be given any shots, injections, or medications during my sleep?
No. The only medical devices which will be used are special sensors and they are placed on the surface of your skin using an affixative.
Will I be shaved where sensors are placed?
Shaving is unnecessary on the scalp. Shaving may be necessary on the chest and leg, but only if heavy body hair is present.
If I usually take over-the-counter or prescription drugs before bedtime, would I before a sleep study?
Normally, yes; however, we ask that you check with your referring physician prior to your sleep study to be sure.
Can I get up to use the restroom during the night?
Yes. The technologist will show you what needs to be done if you need to get up during the night — or, you may call the technologist to assist you at that time.