Safer Surgery

Millions of people have surgery each year. Every surgery has risks, but we know there are some that can be prevented. One way you can help to lower your risk for problems is to talk with a member of your surgical care team before the surgery about the care you should receive.  Your team includes your surgeon, anesthesiologist and your nurses.

  • What is a surgical site infection?
    • A surgical site infection is an infection that can happen after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery was.
  • Most patients do not get an infection.
    • Common symptoms of an infection are redness, increased pain, drainage from the wound and fever.
  • What can I do to prevent a surgical site infection?
    • Tell your doctor about any medical problems you may have.
  • If you can, quit smoking to lower the risk of infection.
  • Do not shave near where you will have surgery because shaving can irritate your skin. If your procedure requires hair removal it will be done with a clipper immediately prior to surgery.
  • Based on established  criteria your surgeon may prescribe antibiotics prior to surgery
  • After your surgery:
    • Healthcare workers will wash their hands when caring for you. If you do not see them wash their hands, please ask them to do so.
    • Family and friends who visit you should not touch the surgical wound or dressing.

For more information about the DMC Berry Surgery Center, call 248-851-6767.